A while back I had a bit of success with a Chocolate and Beetroot Microwave 'coral' cake which was a combination of a two recipes and quite a few ingredients. It worked well on the first test only needing minor tweaking for version 2. I was happy with it, well for now anyway. I had plans for the torn pieces to go with a Beetroot Parfait I was testing from Johnny Iuzzini's
Dessert four play book ( recipe was about 10 miles off from being ok...but I did rip off his presentation, well expanded on it and had some fun with it ), the parfaits another story..... had to run off to Sainbury's to get more beetroot half through so you could taste something other than pink creaminess. Anyway least after all the adjusting and tinkering I got a working recipe out of that experience.
After the reasonable ease of the Chocolate and Beetroot Microwave cake and the recipe from the incredible
Natura book by Albert Adria, I was off to try out the Yoghurt cake recipe for my plan to put together a canapé with Aloe Vera Gel and the Yoghurt cake for the new canapé menu. I had always wanted to put the two flavours together after
travelling through Japan a few years ago when I came across Yoghurt with chunks of Aloe Vera. It became a daily staple for me, absolutely loved it.
Straight from the book the recipe works ok but felt it was a bit too strong on the egg whites. I didn't have the Texturas Yopol Yoghurt powder but I was using a Sosa version. Maybe that was the problem? Quick phone call to my wife to ask for a favour to have a look on the internet while I was working away, she came across Michael Laiskonis's version from
Le Bernardin and it's currently on their dessert menu. Test - No, way too soft and wet. Hmmm....
I brought in some Yoghurt from home the next day and adjusted the recipe to accommodate the extra liquid content in the recipe. The flavour was a bit deeper, softer crumb but still the texture just wasn't right. Next day I ordered some Yoghurt from our supplier, low fat natural Yoghurt come in. Whizzed up another version, flavour was still there but the texture had changed for the worse. Thinking it was the fat content and only having the low fat Yoghurt .1% fat. I tried adding a drop of oil to get back the texture and softness back. Nope, worst of them all.
I was almost ready to scrape the idea. Going over my notes of the various tests seeing which ones come out the best and what characteristics they possessed. So far it was the original, lacking flavour and ok structure and the one with Yoghurt from home better flavour but not as much volume. I compiled a recipe of the two, an average to say. No more Yoghurt meant it was time to go home and wait for more to come in the morning.
Over my morning Porridge, I checked out the fat content of the Yoghurt I had at home, 4.7%. Now that would explain the softer mouth feel I had back in test #2.
I boxed some up and jumped on my bike to work. Put the Yoghurt into my 'average' recipe.
At last I could feel I was getting close. Good texture, great holes and the flavour was almost there. Acceptable but I had one last thing I wanted to try. Greek Yoghurt, 10% fat and that meant waiting another day.
My perseverance paid off, the Greek Yoghurt added an extra depth in flavour and texture.
At last I was happy with
my results.

I think the half of the problem was the fact that I've had the pleasure of having an amazing near perfect Yoghurt microwave cake at Arzak late last year. It was probably my second most favourite course from the whole experience. I think I've come close with my version but it's hard to compete with the R&D that goes on at Arzak.....

The original plan for my canapé with the cake and Aloe Vera, well hasn't come to much. Didn't even put it in on the new canapé menu.
That was partly dew to the fact I couldn't track down a good supply of solid Aloe Vera Gel.
There is another source I'm looking into for the Aloe. While I was travelling around Australia I stopped into a random Shop for a cold drink when I was walking around Sydney. I grabbed a bottle of White Grape and Aloe Vera juice with chunks of Aloe Vera in it. Thought it sounded nice at the time, well I can still remember how refreshing and delicious it was. Don't think I'll ever forget that day.
So far I've found just one place that sells it in the UK. Just another hurdle I've got to jump over, starting to get used to the obstacles. Eventually I get around them.
Yoghurt or Yogurt ???