I decided on the cocktail 'strawberry kiss', four simple ingredients - strawberries, cream, amaretto and rum.
Sounds refreshing, appetizing and to me like something everyone would like.
I went about mixing it up, reverse spherification style, garnishing with a few chopped strawberries, white chocolate powder and a single leaf of micro basil.
Everything ended up how i imagine, nice burst of flavour, followed a fresh hit of basil and fresh strawberries.
I set up the tasting spoons for the canape party and left for the day......
The next day,
Half of them are still in the fridge??? didn't make sense. Turns out after speaking with the waiting staff the guests were scared of them. Ok maybe they were a bit older and not yet made it into the 21st century.....
but annoyingly it happened again, twice. hmmm. No one wants to put balls in there mouth it seems.
Not wanting to give up on this cos I was happy with them, I decided to be a little devious and camouflage them....
Next time I gave the sphere's an extra minute in the aglin bath to give them a little bit more strength, for all the extra handling they were about to get.
Once 'cooked', I drained them, dried them carefully and when rolled them in a mixture of finely grated dark chocolate and cocoa, then carefully picked them up again and dusted off the excess and then lastly into the tasting spoons ready to go.
Rather delicate work, It was a good thing a had quite a few spares.
Well, the camouflage worked and the guests licked the spoons clean. Finally.

This week I've got a chefs choice canape party where I'm going to do a liquid chocolate bon bon, I'm just changing the center to a dark and milk chocolate liquor and rolling in the chocolate powder mix. In all 4 different types of chocolate.
Just wondering where I can take this to next......