About 2 weeks ago, quietly strolled into work after a couple of very nice, restful days off, put the coffee on and started to get my head in the game.
Shortly after, my GM walked in with a cheeky grin on his face, knowing this usually meant an oddball request from my Danish owner asked ‘what’s up?’, the answer I got I was not ready for.
He asked if I knew of the upcoming Rene Redzepi book launch at Freemasons hall, which I did, (I had decided not to go along due to usual work/family commitments, and due to the fact of me already owning his book, much cheaper on Amazon than ticket price, truth be told), he then asked if I would like to cater for it….
‘What???!!!”, there must be a good 600 tickets sold I thought, “are you mental”, I was told closer on 800, feeling a little faint now, thought a big fat ‘NO’, knowing the audience would be the cream of the crop of foodies/chefs in the UK, not that it bothers me cooking for any of these guys, but outside catering for that number, those people, if cocked up could keep my cooking well and truly ‘under the radar’ for the rest of my career.
“calm down, its only for 80-100 of them, guests invited by Visit Denmark”, a slight calm came over me, but still quite a daunting prospect as Rene was one of the invited guests. My mind was still saying ‘don’t do it’.
The brief was to canapé up, traditional Danish dishes, and as my club is home to the Danish Club of London, began to think about the flavours and combinations we could offer them, after all for a Welsh boy in London doing a VIP canapé party for the Danish ambassador, Rene and guests, still very daunting. I thought I would consult my Danish chef and see what her thoughts were, and what ideas we could garner between us.
When she arrived to work a short while later, I explained what had been asked and her quiet, calm answer was ‘I know.’ It was only then that I found out her husband was the director for Visit Denmark, and that this had been a home discussion between them for some time, bugger everyone is conspiring against me!!!
So I drew up the first menu draft:
Maple smoked quails eggs, sel rose
Traditional Gravadlax on rye bread
Pressed oxtail and potato terrine, style bikesmad (a traditional Danish fry-up or hash)
Plaice and remoulade, cubism with golden breadcrumbs
Roulade of ham, flavours of salad Russe
Boiled egg, mayonnaise and caviar
Kransekage – biscuit of almond paste
Chocolate dipped marshmallows
And off it went, I was told I still had to wait a couple of days for the go-ahead for the menu, so creatively was in limbo not knowing whether we would get the gig or not, foolishly I announced the opportunity on twitter to raptures of ‘good on ya chef’ and ‘excellent chef, great opportunity’ before it was even confirmed, and as it wasn’t confirmed felt I shouldn’t just order food in to test my ideas until the ok was given, not to mention I have a kitchen to run too, not sure if the guys would be so understanding of me doing canapé R & D for an event we may not do. Thankfully I only had to wait till that evening for the email saying they would love me to do it, so order sheet in hand and first squiggles on paper, set to develop my ideas that were only words on paper at this point.
Over the next few days I wrangled with a few ideas, the menu gradually falling apart with every test, amazing how nothing ever pans out on the plate as it does in your head, any way further down the line and a few more squiggles added to the list, I had dishes I was happy with and set to the process of logistics, we had a visit to the hall the week prior and started to flap as it is a gorgeous venue but a complete barn. We allocated our areas (kitchen & bar) and started to plan. I must point out at this juncture, that the small kitchen at the hall I have over to the bar (completely inadequate in size for neither man nor beast), and took the hundred foot hall to myself.
Prep continued and gradually I started to finalize each evolution of each canape.
On the day, the alarm went off at some horrifically early time; I stumbled out onto the train and wended my way in, nerves starting to increase.
First job on the day was to finish the Parma ham roulade, upon testing the carrot hadn’t come through enough, so decided to cut slightly thicker to add flavour and a little much needed crunch to the canapé, big mistake, upon trying to roll the previous days preparation, my first roll happily slid off the cling film and all over the bench and floor, please note I did NOT take a picture at this point. Legging it through the kitchen my staff being knocked in my wake, proceeded to strip all of the carrot off the prepared pea mousse and start again(unplannedjob,panicsetting in). Cracked this out quickly applied carrot and tried again, success!
I wish I had more tales of rescued cock-ups (now the day is over) but to be honest, whilst pushed the rest of the prep proceeded without a hitch, my sous chef Ricardo finished the last of the detailed garnish work, A friend Ben turned up mid morning and dove in with prep and slowly everything came together as planned. We loaded the car and moved to the site.
Upon arrival, we got into the room to find Phaidon staff, Rene and his team working through some details, this finished as we were off-loading and everyone dispersed. Rene had a pep-talk with his guys, and feeling a touch star-struck barely managed a nod as we discovered we had no tables to work on, on top of that the Noma guys also had nowhere to work and set their gear up on some chairs, hmmmm organisation… NOT. Took a wee while, but G managed to locate and shortly started wandering in with trestle tables we could work from.
Classic gravadlax, mustard, lemon, fennel
soft boiled quails egg, caviar mayo, sel rose, shallot and rock chive
Smoked sea rout, jerusalem artichoke, apple and horseradish bubble, lemon balmThank you for your time in reading this, I guess I probably wont be posting again this year as business (and family) will keep me far to busy, but I thank those of you who take the time to follow and read my blog, and all I will leave you with is that I have plans for the new year, including finally revealing the method and technique for the ‘anything fondant’
Take care, enjoy life, and eat well. And if I don’t get the chance to say again this year, a very merry Christmas to you all.