but what is with Salmon fillet? an almost cuboid piece of fish, working muscle, although tender doesnt look like fillet to me, also chicken fillet is often referred to in many restaurants accross the land from high cuisine to more questionable fast food outlets undercover of a sesame topped flour 'bun' I use this term loosely as often resembles a happy shopper bathroom sponge. Anyway I digress back to the 'fillet' soapbox'.
soapbox is quite unfair, we are grown ups, and are fully capable of making the distinction of 'fillet' due to our upbringing and learning and also it ticks all the texture boxes, I could ponder now on why every fish there is has a 'fillet' but feel i may be near exhausting this topic.
anyway, the key reason for starting this is to show 2 things I have been playing with, one old (the salmon) and one new (err.. that would be the chicken), I have done the chicken before, but only recently worked out how to hold the skin on perfectly.
chicken 'fillet'
salmon fillet, poached with teryaki gel glaze, bok choi, diced coriander potato
lemongrass, chilli and plum fluid gel
roasting 'fillet'. now just need garnish for this
now finished with fillets, will post the how to very soon, but next up from me will be a post in homage for my love of peas